Outplacement or Outdated? Beyond Outplacements, Finding Purpose in Your Career Journey

Dear Purposeful Community,

In today’s edition of “Purpose with Myriem” newsletter, I wish to engage in a substantive discussion regarding the Outplacement Conundrum, an experience familiar to a significant portion of our community. A good number of you have walked this path, where the focus seems more on finding any job than on uncovering your true career path.

Finding Our Way: Beyond Just Jobs

I’ve heard from several community members about feeling a bit lost in the outplacement process. It often feels like it’s more about snagging any job than about figuring out what career truly lights you up.

Real-Life Example: The Banking Story

Take a recent chat I had with a person from the banking world. She was unsure about sticking to her banking roots, and the outplacement support didn’t quite help her explore what she really wants for her future.

Resume Boost vs. Career Makeover

Then there’s another person who got the resume glow-up treatment. But here’s the thing—a fancy resume is nice, but what she really needed was guidance on reshaping her skills for a job she’d genuinely love, with confidence and clarity.

Outplacement or Outdated?

In a nutshell, traditional outplacement solutions may no longer align with the evolving needs of the future of work. They often fall short in providing a holistic vision that can genuinely set you up for lasting success. When we talk about a holistic vision, we’re referring to a perspective that goes beyond merely considering your knowledge and skills. It’s about understanding how to repurpose your strengths to not only foster personal growth but also contribute positively to the world around you.

career coaching website

Purposeek Coaching: More Than a Quick Fix

If this sounds familiar in today’s fast-paced work scene, know that many people who turn to Purposeek Coaching, e-books, and online courses are looking for more than a temporary fix. The Purposeek Coaching is here to guide you in reconnecting with your purpose, clarifying your vision, and fostering the growth mindset essential for taking meaningful actions towards your bright future self.

Creating a happy life and career is about focusing on the 4Ps: Purpose, Perspective, Prosperity, and Plan. We’re here to guide you through these 4 Ps, showing you how having a clear purpose is the key to both well-being and success.

Ready to Join the Purposeek Coaching movement? Your Personal and Professional Success Awaits!

So, let’s skip the half solutions and dive into this journey together. Join the Purposeek Coaching movement, empower yourself, and let’s build your unique story of happiness and success. Your career journey deserves more than just a job—it deserves purpose, and I’m here to help you find it.

With Purposeful Regards,

Myriem Slater

Founder of Purposeek Coaching

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