Unveiling the Purpose Behind Midlife Career Changes

Ever felt like your midlife career change was more of a crisis than a calling? Let’s dive into the heart of the matter and explore why we often mistake our purpose screaming to be heard for a midlife crisis.

Midlife Crisis or Purpose Awakening?

It’s not uncommon to feel a surge of restlessness, questioning the path we’ve taken. But what if it’s not a crisis at all? What if it’s our purpose desperately trying to break free, nudging us to reflect on our past, live in the present, and plan for a purposeful future?

Research consistently shows that midlife career changes are often a manifestation of our deeper desires and unfulfilled aspirations. According to a study conducted by the Harvard Business Review (HBR), individuals who found a strong sense of purpose in their work reported higher levels of job satisfaction and overall life fulfilment.

midlife crisis career change

My Journey: From Finance Frustration to Purposeful Entrepreneurship

I know the struggle first-hand. My career in the finance industry left me feeling unfulfilled and searching for something more. It was only when I embarked on the journey of finding my purpose that everything changed. Today, as a purposeful entrepreneur and the founder of the Purposeek Coaching, I can attest to the transformative power of purpose discovery.

Now, I wake up every day loving what I do. The feeling of following my true career path and helping others do the same is above anything we could imagine. No money, no recognition, or any other form of compensation or success can match that feeling.

career coaching website

Body and Mind: Allies in Our Pursuit of Fulfilment

Our body and mind are incredible allies, working tirelessly to guide us toward fulfilment and our true career path. Sometimes, their signals can be intense, pushing us to the edge. It might feel like a life crisis, but it’s often a profound call to heed, urging us to align with our purpose.

Prevent Before You Heal: Seek Your Purpose

Rather than waiting for burnout or a full-blown midlife crisis, let’s empower ourselves to prevent it. Seeking our purpose is not just about healing; it’s about setting ourselves up for success. It’s the reason I founded the Purposeek Coaching Program and designed online courses—to support you in your journey of purpose discovery.

career coaching

My Advice to You

Diving headfirst into a career change when it feels like a midlife crisis might not be the best move. Take the time to reflect on your purpose, starting by understanding who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to contribute to this world. A pause, whenever possible in your career, will help you gain more clarity on where you want to go. If a pause isn’t feasible, a daily 30-minute reflection can still work wonders.

Join the Purposeek Community

Don’t let the waves of change overwhelm you; ride them with purpose. If you’re ready to embark on a purposeful journey, reach out. Your purpose awaits, and so do we!

Warm Regards,

Myriem Slater

Founder of Purposeek Coaching

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