Age is Just a Number: Purposefully Relevant in the Future Job Market at 40+Years Old!

Are you ever concerned that the evolving job market might overlook those of us who have been navigating our careers for a while? It’s only natural to wonder if the world of work is primarily catering to the younger generation – the millennials and Gen Z.

You’re not alone in pondering how many businesses are shifting their strategies, job offers, and branding to attract these fresher faces. In an age where technology and trends are rapidly changing, it can be easy to feel like we’re being left behind.

But let me assure you, age is just a number, and we, the 40+ years olds, are still very much relevant in the future of the work market. Let’s dive deeper into this topic and explore how we can thrive in this dynamic landscape.

We are relevant!

Age is just a number, and as a 42 year old who is still deeply involved in the work market, I completely understand your concerns. It’s truly inspiring to witness how well-prepared the younger generation is for the future. Many of us are parents, and naturally, we want nothing but the very best for our children. However, there are moments when it seems like businesses are shifting their focus towards millennials and Gen Z. How many companies are altering their job offers, rebranding, and adapting solutions solely to attract them?

Indeed, the future of work appears to be tailored to these younger generations, and that’s perfectly okay – they matter too! Yet, I firmly believe that we deserve a significant seat at the table, and not just any seat, but the chairman’s seat. You might wonder, why should this be the case? Here’s why:

  • With 10 to 20 years of experience under our belts, we’ve gained a profound understanding of the value of hard work and efficiency before the concept of work-life balance even became a priority! It’s about time work life balance took priority!
  • We were shaped by the discipline instilled in us by our old-school parents,
  • We embraced commitment by remaining loyal to the same job for years, perhaps longer than we should have (haha).

Check out the PurposeCast podcast for inspiration

We possess the essential skills necessary to thrive in the future job market – we are absolutely relevant!

  • Ageless Wisdom, Timeless Leadership: In the ever-evolving landscape of the future workplace, we cannot be overstated. We bring a wealth of ageless wisdom, combined with a unique perspective on leadership that is essential for guiding teams and organisations toward success.
  • Navigating Complexity with Grace: As the nature of work becomes increasingly complex, the ability to navigate through uncertainty with grace becomes a coveted skill. We have weathered various professional storms, gaining the ability to stay composed and make informed decisions amidst chaos. Our seasoned perspective is an asset in steering organisations through the intricate challenges of the modern business world.
  • Inspirational Adaptability: Adaptability is key in a world that embraces rapid change. We have proven our capacity to adapt and evolve across various work environments and industries. Our ability to seamlessly integrate past experiences with current demands sets a precedent for continual growth that inspires and elevates the entire team.
  • Mentoring and Multi-Generational Collaboration: The future of work emphasizes collaboration across generations. We hold a pivotal role as mentors, passing down valuable insights and lessons to younger colleagues and professionals. Our experience bridges generational gaps, fostering a dynamic and harmonious work environment where knowledge flows freely.
  • Strategic Long-Term Vision: While innovation is celebrated, a long-term strategic vision remains integral to an organisation’s stability and success. We bring a mature perspective that accounts for both short-term wins and sustained growth. Our ability to balance innovation with proven strategies is an asset that every forward-looking organisation and businesses requires.
  • Cultivating Inclusive Leadership: Inclusive leadership is no longer just an ideal – it’s a necessity. We often come from diverse backgrounds and have witnessed the evolution of workplace diversity and inclusion. Our insights into fostering an inclusive environment and tapping into the strengths of a diverse workforce contribute to building stronger, more cohesive teams.
  • Continuous Learning and Resilience: The future workforce demands lifelong learning and resilience. We understand the importance of evolving skill sets and have demonstrated the capacity to learn and adapt in the face of challenges. Our commitment to growth serves as an example for cultivating a culture of continuous improvement within organisations and businesses.

Purposeful Entrepreneur and Career Coach

Take me as an example. I reinvented myself after turning 40, shifting my career to become a purposeful entrepreneur and career coach. For the first time in my career, I felt truly relevant. Now, by doing what I’m passionate about, I feel that I’m making a positive impact on people’s lives. I look forward to the future with eagerness, knowing that I can adapt to the challenges and opportunities that the ever-changing work landscape brings.

So, while the future might be focused on the younger generation, we can definitely claim our space and significance. To remain relevant, it’s important to do three things: Rediscover our purpose to keep our motivation ignited, embrace change to continuously reinvent ourselves, and grasp the evolving trends and demands of the future of work.

The Purposeek Method

This is exactly why I’ve designed the The Purposeek Coaching Method– to help you stay relevant while leading a fulfilling and content life. If you resonate with this message, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team at You can also visit our Purposeek Coaching Website for more information.

Let’s come together and ensure we stay purposefully relevant, no matter our age!

With Purposeful regards,

Myriem Slater

Founder of PURPOSEEK Coaching

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